yesterday i ran into troubles deploying my current side project filemure.
my current dev stack is:
(edit: the first link is kotlin, but ~there seems to be a bug in pepperino's alias handling~ - update: it shows up here so it must be something else)
(edit 2: turns out, [...]: def
is a reference style link)
i ran into a few problems this time, compared to when i worked on pepperino:
creates both a thin and a fat jar and then it might not be clear which one of the two the start.cmd
directory (which is where nixpacks looks by default), or overrule it in the nixpacks configproviders = ["java"]
# add shadowJar
cmds = ["chmod +x gradlew", "./gradlew clean shadowJar -x check -x test"]
# new path, and we can know the actual jar name
[ start ]
cmd = "java $JAVA_OPTS -jar app/build/libs/app-all.jar"
(note: the [ start ]
is without spaces of course, but pepperinos parser doesn't support escaping yet)
the interesting (for me) part of this attack is not the leak of the google ID (gaia ID), or the usage of a legacy system.
the interesting (for me) part is the trick they use to prevent the notification email (which would alert the victim) from being sent:
i guess the action is executed first, the notification email is sent afterwards and when an email sending error occurs, the action is not rolled back.
Are eggs bad for you?
TL;DR: eggs (the consumption thereof) are slightly good or at least neutral for your health, except if you don't tolerate them well, which is, apparently, rare but real.
happy new year everyone!
on my dokploy instance i attempted to host a static website, but i ran into troubles with letsencrypt. after assigning the A record to the ipv4 address of the dokploy instance, the letsencrypt cert failed to work even after 48 hours.
so i started trouble shooting: googling didn't yield a quick solution; mostly complaints if letsencrypt took more than a few minutes. recreating the domain and rebooting the server didn't help either.
i didn't know where to find logs at first. after some searching i found it: Settings -> Server -> Webserver -> Traefik -> Watch logs
. in the logs i spotted ipv6 adresses. corrected the DNS AAAA record and everything worked after a few seconds.
finished my first marathon race in 4:36:29. to my surprise i'm one of the slowest finishers with that time, ranking 748 out of 860.
Simon_Willison talks about XKCD 1425 here - it's the one about finding out whether the picture was taken in a national park (super easy!) and whether it's of a bird (super hard!).
i still have a nagging feeling that this comic has kickstarted the current AI trend and the re-emergence of ANNs.