Blog Archive for July 2024

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

via PostgreSQL and UUID as primary key i stumbled upon TSID Generator, which looks interesting:

A Java library for generating Time-Sorted Unique Identifiers (TSID).
In summary:

  • Sorted by generation time;
  • It can be stored as an integer of 64 bits;
  • It can be stored as a string of 13 chars;
  • String format is encoded to Crockford's base32;
  • String format is URL safe, is case insensitive, and has no hyphens;
  • Shorter than UUID, ULID and KSUID.

also, from the comments:

Sqids is a small open-source library that can produce short, unique, random-looking IDs from numbers.
The best way to think about it is like a decimal-to-hexadecimal converter, but with a few extra features.

What is it good for?

Link shortening, generating unique event IDs for logging, generating IDs for products/objects on a website (like YouTube does for videos), generating short IDs for text messages, confirmation codes in emails, etc.

Will all this AI investment pay off? by Sergey Alexashenko raises an interesting point:

For investors to make money “because AGI”, a few things have to happen:
7. AGI can’t result in such a drastic change in society that the concept of money as we know it disappears.

of course this isn't a problem specific to AI and AGI - systems try to preserve their own relevance. the question is whether we, as a society, even want this and in what way it may hold back the next iteration of societal systems. what if we stop maximizing for wealth, either due to desire or necessity, and focus on a different value, like happiness and quality of life or minimize the worst effects of the climate catastrophe?

AGI developed by investors will be bred with the expectation of furthering the economic system that enabled it, but - like human children - it's impossible to say whether they'll really adopt their "parental" value system instead of developing their own.

tags: AI AGI money futurism
